Developing Note.Vote iOS App for Social Note Sharing

This case study showcases how our team developed Note.Vote, a social note sharing iOS app, using Swift, Laravel, and Stripe API. The app aimed to provide users with a platform to share their notes with the world in a fun and engaging way.


  • Develop a social note sharing iOS app
  • Implement a boost credit system for note visibility
  • Create a voting system for ranking notes
  • Provide a variety of categories for users to post their notes
  • Implement a REST API for storing data on notes, scores, and user authentication tokens
  • Ensure community safety and user engagement on the app


  • Conducted research on the best technologies to use for the project
  • Designed the app's wireframes and prototypes
  • Developed the app using Swift as the primary language
  • Integrated Google Cloud for the Laravel REST API and MySQL database using Laravel Eloquent
  • Implemented User Defaults and Swift features to improve the app's performance and reduce network costs
  • Integrated Stripe API for in-app purchases and boost credit system
  • Created built-in detection of bad words and a system for banning, muting, or reporting users with a strike system to ensure community safety


  • Maintaining community safety on the app
  • Implementing in-app purchases through Apple's guidelines
  • Developing a boost credit system to incentivize user participation

Technology Stack

  • Swift as the primary language for iOS app development
  • Google Cloud for the Laravel REST API and MySQL database using Laravel Eloquent
  • Stripe API for in-app purchases and boost credit system
  • User Defaults and Swift features to improve app performance and reduce network costs

Key Features

  • Boost credit system for note visibility
  • Voting system for ranking notes
  • Variety of categories for users to post their notes
  • REST API for storing data on notes, scores, and user authentication tokens
  • Built-in detection of bad words and a system for banning, muting, or reporting users with a strike system to ensure community safety


Note.Vote was successful in creating a platform for users to share and discover notes in a fun and engaging way. The app's unique combination of features, such as the boost credit system, voting system, and focus on community safety and user engagement, helped it stand out in a crowded market. The app received positive feedback from its users and had a loyal following.

Lessons Learned

Note.Vote taught us the importance of building a platform with the user's safety and engagement in mind. We also learned that using a boost credit system can incentivize user participation and improve the app's visibility. The app's success showed us that investing in a proper technology stack, like using Laravel for the REST API, can make the app development process smoother. Note.Vote demonstrated that focusing on creating a fun and engaging user experience can lead to a loyal following and a successful app.


This project showcased our team's expertise in iOS app development, specifically in creating a social note sharing app using Swift, Laravel, and Stripe API. The success of Note.Vote demonstrated our capability to deliver high-quality solutions to our clients and build a loyal user base.

Robs Studio

Hey I'm Rob, I have been creating tech startups and internet marketing for 10 years. Working with tech companies such as Monster Cable, Logitech and more. With millions of hits on YouTube, and thousands of happy customers - I've got knowledge in every aspect of internet marketing.

Contact anytime for free one on one help - I specialize in tech startups. Then from start to finish we can create the best web app, shop, blog or graphic design... including logos, banners, ads and more. I like to be humble, but it's true! Let's focus on the future, take risks and create.